Saturday, December 1, 2007


Do you know that almost NO NBC shows are in the top ratings on Nielson? Is that complete crap? What is this country watching!??

I'll tell you: DANCING WITH THE STARS. And America is not satisfied with just one night of this stuff, Dancing with the Stars: Tuesday is like number 5!

America - you are being had! Start watching GOOD programming. I will admit that I, too have succumbed to the every-so-often 3 hour "Law and Order" marathon; I have sat through 2 whole minutes of "The Singing Bee"; and I will watch a whole hour of "Desperate Housewives of Orange County". But between all of these sad moments in my life - I watch GOOD tv.

Here's my enjoyment factor list for what I'm watching now:

1. 30 Rock
2. Weeds
3. Heroes
4. SNL

The studios need to pay their writers so SNL can come back. (My heart hurt because I missed out on seeing Michael Cera host SNL at Upright Citizen's Brigade Theater a few weeks ago.) But I am getting a kick out of seeing Amy Poehler and Will Arnett's goofy smiles on the Gap windows on 5th ave on my way to work.

I'm only watching Heroes at this point because I'm committed and need to see how/if they can wrap it all up.

30 Rock is genius and I wish Tina Fey would hire me as her assistant. ("This Earth is ruined. We need a new one!" -- love that) PS - Alec Baldwin just makes me giggle.

And i'll refer you to my latest entry on the secret reason I watch Weeds.