Thursday, October 2, 2008


Three Names you go by:
1. Mrs. Sroka (not yet really…..)
2. Bee
3. Bibbs

Three Things That Scare You:
1. Falling on my face and breaking my teeth
2. Someone I love dying unexpectedly
3. Being bored for the rest of my life

Three of Your Everyday Essentials:
1. Stretching
2. Cold drinking water and my Sigg
3. Laughing

Three Things You Are Wearing Right Now:
1. My wedding ring
2. Pants! Pants! Pants!
3. Inevitably, something from The Gap

Three of Your Favorite Songs Right Now:
1. Conor Oberst – Either ‘Sausalito’ or ‘Danny Callahan’
2. Rhianna – ‘Disturbia’
3. Miley Cyrus – ‘Breakout’ (I’m embracing my inner 12 year old)

Three Things You Want in a Relationship (other than Real Love):
1. Humour (with a ‘u’)
2. Empathy
3. Uplifting-ness

Three Truths:
1. I don’t like purists
2. The more I learn, the more I don’t know
3. I am responsible for my own happiness

Three PHYSICAL Things about the Opposite Sex that Appeal to You:
1. Smile
2. Kind eyes
3. GREAT calves. Mmmmm.

Three of Your Favorite Hobbies:
1. Home Ec (I’m not kidding)
2. Being silly
3. Walking

Three Things You want to do really badly right now:
1. Work on television. Not on, but behind. You know what I mean.
2. Get a dog!
3. Leave my ‘job’ and Find my place.

Three Places You Want to go:
1. Home
2. Jerusalem
3. Brazil

Three Things You Want to Do Before You Die:
1. Grow my own food
2. Have children with Brad
3. Vote for a Presidential candidate that wins

Three Ways that you are stereotypically a Girl/Guy:
1. I have a lot of shoes
2. I like my husband to take out the trash
3. I cry at ‘The Notebook’ (damn you, Nicholas Sparks!)

Three Famous People You’d Like to Be Friends With:
1. Ellen DeGeneres
2. Tina Fey
3. Will Smith

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