Uhhhggg! I've had it. I have to break up with them. All of them. Those crappy things I've been devoted to that just aren't producing.
I'll start with the one that bugs me the most: Blender Magazine. This magazine disappoints SO much that I actually groaned when I opened the mail box today. And you know why I groaned BEFORE I open the mag? Cause they put Miss I-don't-own-a-pair-of-pants Katy Perry on the cover. E-gads fellas. I know you're owned by Maxim and have a line item in that contract to put hotties on the cover, but Pink doesn't wear pants, rocks harder than Katy Perry and has a new album out. Plus, she's way quirkier and I'm almost SURE she's kissed a girl, she just doesn't have to sing about it. The other reasons I'm done (READ: FINISHED!) with Blender is that they have lost most of their quirkiness that makes them so damn likable. Where are the brilliantly silly captions? Where are the random song lyrics scrolling the bottom of each page? What about the latest celebrity arrests? But honestly, it's the captions I miss the most. Wherever the old caption guy went -- get him back! He was genius! That's about 85% of the reason I renewed my subscription. When you get him back, I might think about reading you again.
Heroes. I'm done. Can't watch. They have absolutely jumped the shark. I understand that it's hard work making good TV. But come one! You can do so much with super heroes! I got miffed last season when you just kept introducing new characters just to have them killed off by Sylar. Whatever happened to the girl from New Orleans? Was that a lame attempt to get a more diverse viewing audience? Heroes -- you make me sad. And I just can't have that kind of negativity in my life right now. I'm sorry, but it's over.
Fall Heat. Gross. So sue me-- I'm not in love with SoCal weather. I'm from the east coast and really enjoy Fall. I would go so far as to say it's 1 of my top 4 favorite seasons. Colors. Swetta Weatha. Chilly mornings and football games! It's going to be 96 in LA tomorrow! Jeesh! Shame on you L.A. for making me sweat when I'd rather not.
Becky!!! I can't believe no one has commented yet to agree on the Heroes subject-- could the the premiere have been more disappointing, HELLO!! Why is Parkman in Africa?! No, wait. I'm not even interested. Claire and Peter, though, my 2 faves; I'm not upset that they want to kill each other in the future, just that the script/plot would be better so that they can get to it. (sigh) B, it means alot to met that we see eye to eye.
It's a good thing you warned me about Blender and Heroes, because those were two things on my list of many Pop Culture Items I'd Like To Pay Attention To But Am Actually Too Lazy/Busy/Apathetic To Keep Up With. Whew! I can cross those off.
I can empathize with the lack of swetta weatha, and I don't envy you the SoCal heat. But you'll be laughing when I'm freezing my butt off in a few months :/
Good for people to know.
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